Workshop Testimonials

Thank you Penny for a wonderful K-Power® workshop on Tibetan Energy & Vitality. I came away feeling revitalised with a much clearer idea of the direction I want my life to take from now on. The course has also made me keen to learn more about kinesiology, and I'm really looking forward to attending another of your workshops. AR, Canterbury

I thoroughly enjoyed the workshop - I learnt a lot as well as had fun.
PW, Sittingbourne


Thanks ever so much for the weekend. It was excellent. I have never done anything like that before but i went away feeling excited and enthusiastic, although a little overwhelmed about putting it in to practice.
Sarah Belsey, McTimoney Chiropractor (Kent)

Thank you for a very interesting workshop and it has inspired me to practice and get myself familiar with this interesting system. I must say I drove home with little stress and woke this morning feeling fresh and brighter than normal so yesterday was very helpful on a learning and personal level.
S.S. (Kent)

Many thanks for an enjoyable weekend, I look forward to putting it into practice today, (well some of it). You have the ability to teach a potentially complicated method in a clear and consise way and I feel confident I have a new tool.
Deborah Cain, McTimoney Chiropractor (Kent)


The International Certificate in Professional Kinesiology Practice (ICPKP) course (Kinesiopractic Level 1) is now available at Kent Kinesiology College (an accredited college of the International College of Professional Kinesiology Practice).

This is a 12-18 month modular certificate course in ICPKP kinesiology skills, which includes Anatomy & Physiology, Nutrition and Clinical Practice Management.

It is a recognised course leading to professional registration with the Kinesiology Federation.

The ICPKP worldwide programme of Professional Kinesiology Practitioner training and ICPKP workshops are taught in 12 countries. The course is broken down into the following units:

  • International Certificate in Self-care (2-day course)
  • International Certificate in Kinesiology for Wellness (4-6 month course)
  • International Certificate in Basic Kinesiology Principles (4-6 months further training)
  • International Certificate in Professional Kinesiology Practice (4-6 months further training)
  • International Diploma of Professional Kinesiology Practice (two years further training)
  • Post-Graduate Diploma in Kinesiopractic® (two years further training)
For more information, go to: (click on 'Courses & Training' at the top of the page) (click on 'Study Kinesiology' on the left-hand menu)


ICPKP Certificate in Self-Care
(BKP101-en : Energisers and Self-Testing)

Sat 1 & Sun 2 March 2025
9.00am to 5.30pm
Adisham, Kent
Cost: £275

This course is the first unit in the International Certificate in Basic Kinesiology Principles, BKP 101™, and is taken over two days of classroom time, plus a home-study component. It is designed to introduce students to the world of kinesiology and PKP. Students learn several simple but powerful self-care techniques to relieve stress and boost energy.

You can take this course on its own for your own self-care purposes, or you can continue with the ICPKP course, taking just the first five units (International Certificate in Kinesiology for Wellness, which you can use with friends and family), or taking further training and becoming a Professional Kinesiology Practitioner. You pay for each unit of the course when you take it, so you can decide as you go how much you want to do.

What you will learn in BKP 101™:

  1. Simple definition of Kinesiology
  2. Simple anatomical awareness
  3. Your meridians and their power
  4. Your Neuro-Lymphatic (NL) reflexes
  5. Your Neuro-Emotional (NE) reflexes
  6. Your Neuro-Vascular (NV) reflexes
  7. How to ‘whole body’ test yourself
  8. Your walking gait reflexes


ICPKP logo

ICPKP Certificate in Self-Care

Sat 1 & Sun 2 March 2025
9.00am to 5.30pm

Adisham, Kent
Cost: £275

This workshop introduces you to three different kinds of easy to learn self-energiser trigger points (Neuro-Emotional, Neuro-Lymphatic, and Neuro-Vascular) and the powerful meridian energiser trace. As well, you will use walking gait reflexes, crosscrawl self integration, vision and hearing energy techniques.

You will learn a simple emotional stress release technique and emotional trigger words. You will enjoy the energising power of a specific goal, and be able to perform a ‘time of day’ kinesiology energy balance for self care using whole body testing. You will be able identify basic anatomical parts and planes of the body and define kinesiology. (See left for more information)

Contact: Penny Davey


Coming soon

Introduction to Kinesiology

Canterbury, Kent


See what Kinesiology is all about and how it can help you, your family and friends

Contact me for details.


Please contact me for availability of current Courses

  Kinesiology testing in Kent